We have listed common questions related to counselling and our men’s counselling sessions. If you have a question that’s not answered below, feel free to contact us.

Why Counselling?

When our choices no longer seem to provide a way forward, or we feel bankrupt or marooned or stuck in our circumstances, we need to break the independence / ‘go it alone’ pattern (not always easy to do) and use professional help. Counselling is about change; new perspectives and fresh choices and finding the power to enact those choices. 

What is Counselling?

It is a proactive step. Counselling provides a secure ‘talking’ relationship that is strictly confidential, positive, and strengths-based. Counselling builds personal integrity, self belief, and equips the client for the next challenge, be it in relationship, work, social or day-to-day personal issues. The counselling process is designed to broaden the client’s field of vision, as two people commit to work together to define and fulfil new, clear goals. 

How long is each session?

A standard session lasts 60 minutes. By arrangement and depending on availability, a client may negotiate a longer session at any time. This would be discussed with the Counsellor. Learn more about counselling sessions in the Services section.

How much does a Counselmen session cost?

Standard 60 minute session is $110. We also offer options to ensure that our services are financially accessible. Learn more on our Rates page.

Are phone or Skype counselling sessions available?

Yes. Many men would prefer the convenience of counselling sessions conducted from their own, familiar space. 

What happens in the first counselling session?

The first session is the time to get to know one another and to establish goals. It’s a time of trust development; trust in the process of counselling and in the counsellor. Questions are asked to help guide the session and ease the client into the counselling process. 

Is my counselling session confidential?

Confidence in the security and privacy of the counselling process is paramount to counselling success. No third party will be given privy to the information shared in therapy without your express permission. All content is held in the strictest confidence.
There is a mandatory obligation for a Counsellor to inform appropriate authorities in the case where self harm or harm to or from another is intended (our duty of care) or when a Mental Health Professional is subpoenaed for session notes by a court.

What happens if I feel uncomfortable in a counselling session?

Your sense of safety is of great importance to us. Our desire is to ease the stress and angst you may feel and to increase your self-confidence. You are given unconditional regard, respect and help so that your situation can be expressed and understood. No judgement here! 

How often is counselling necessary?

This is  quite individual and is determined by the goals of the client. Factors such as the complexity of the issue, time constraints, financial considerations, etc.determine the duration and timing of the counselling.  All these matters  are discussed as a component of the therapy. 

What happens if I can’t make my session?

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are not able to make your session. This will minimize any cost inconvenience to you and the counsellor.

What happens if I am running late for my session?

If you are running late, please notify the counsellor. The session will start as soon as you’re ready and may be extended depending on the bookings around your session.